2021年11月1日 星期一




■ 時間:台北021 年 11月 1 日 20:00- 11月12日23:59 自動失效.



 該活動僅限於遞送到中國大陸, 香港, 台灣,澳門訂單


7 For All Mankind, Acacia, adidas Originals, AGOLDE, Alice + Olivia, A.L.C., Canada Goose, Citizens of Humanity, Commando, Diane von Furstenberg, Fleur du Mal, Hanky Panky, Hudson Jeans, J Brand, Joie, Marc Jacobs, Michelle Mason, PAIGE, Rag & Bone, Schott, SPANX, Stuart Weitzman, T by Alexander Wang, Theory, Vans, Vince, Wolford, Wolverine, ZitSticka.

美妝保養品牌:Anastasia Beverly Hills, BAWDY, Booby Tape, Briogeo, BYBI Beauty, Coco & Eve, Dame, FLO, Freck, fur, Gisou By Negin Mirsalehi, Ilia, KAOHS, KNC Beauty, Kosas, OLAPLEX, P.volve, Rael, SK-II, smile makers, Sol de Janeiro, Soleil Toujours, Supergoop!, THERAGUN, Tower 28, Vintner's Daughter, ZitSticka


▶︎ Free People

▶︎ Lovers + Friends 

▶︎ Beyond Yoga


▶︎ Isabel Marant Etoile

▶︎ Tularosa 

▶︎ Levi's

▶︎ ALO

▶︎ Golden goose,難得有打折

▶︎ Janessa Leone

▶︎ Norma Kamali


▶︎ Aesop

▶︎ The Laundress

◎  Allsaints點這

ALLSAINTS Fern Dipdye Biker Jacket,駝色fern皮外套額外八折,只要330.4美金

ALLSAINTS Balfern Biker JacketAll saints灰色balfern額外八折,約NT$10055,台灣折扣後還要NT$13790,我穿UK2=US0很合,只能穿薄長袖

ALLSAINTS Lira BootAll saints賣的超好的短靴有八折,只剩US7,尺寸正常

Moussy Vintage Lenwood SkinnyMoussy 日本制skinny,刷色很美

Moussy Vintage Jamestown Tapered,新上市的jamestown是男友褲,比較不貼腿

Moussy Vintage Keller Taperedkelly版型牛仔褲是熱門暢銷版型

Isabel Marant Etoile Fontizi Blanket Coatisabel mrant teoile爆款格紋大衣粉色有參加八折,這件版較寬鬆,同個賣場有綠色

Isabel Marant Etoile Harveli Blanket Coat,綠色短版外套8折,只有36

ANINE BING Tiger Sweatshirt,新米色anine bing老虎衛衣有八折

ANINE BING Sport Evan Sweatshirt,灰色logo衛衣

ANINE BING Rory Jacketanine bing毛毛夾克很熱門,有八折

ANINE BING Sport Blake Biker Short,設計師本人也很愛的單車褲,搭襯衫搭衛衣都很有個性

ANINE BING Lara Jean,新上市的黑色水洗牛仔褲

Beyond Yoga Spacedye Team Pockets High Waisted Bike Short,上次折扣我入手這件單車褲,非常好穿,側邊有口袋,運動非常方便,跟lululemon不同感覺,很推

Beyond Yoga Spacedye High Waisted Capri,黑色legging也想入手,但沒有我的尺寸

Beyond Yoga Spacedye High Waisted Capri,灰色legging可以折上折

BB Dakota by Steve Madden Eldridge CoatBB dakota格紋外套,共有三色都是預購,可以八折,算是Isabel Marant平替款

SLVRLAKE London High Rise StraightSlvrlake熱門的london高腰直筒牛仔褲八折,

SLVRLAKE London High Rise Straightlondon高腰直筒牛仔褲Heartache刷色很美,沒有折扣就尺寸不齊

Sam Edelman Lydell BootSam Edelman lydell短靴有八折,這雙真的很熱門

ANINE BING Lizzie SlidesAnine bing皮革涼鞋很好搭,上次八折衝到第四名

Rails Virgo PulloverRails星星毛衣

Rails Jaro CoatRails格紋外套

RO Marsh ShacketIRO毛呢小香風外套賣的很好,可以八折,只有36/40

ANINE BING Dylan CoatAnine bing 駝色非常好看,是上次排行榜上的第一,設計師本人的穿搭也很吸精

 LINE & DOT SIMONE BUTTON DOWN SWEATER DRESSLine & Dot 便宜又好看的針織外套,也可以當成洋裝來穿,也有梅紅色很顯白

◎  Veja點這

Veja V-12 Sneaker,粉色V12有額外八折

Veja V-10 Bastille Sneaker,藍色V10

Veja Esplar Sneaker,經典esplar小白鞋

Veja Recife SneakerVeja白色魔鬼氈小白鞋

◎ Golden goose 小髒鞋點這,八折價格非常優惠,目前GGDB寄台灣都超過13八折後不到12,是非常好的活動,尺寸我穿正常

Golden goose Superstar Sneaker,紫色鞋帶配上後跟亮片非常好看,也不容易撞鞋,八折約NT$11872

Golden goose Pure Star Sneaker,星玲奈也穿的同款pure star也有八折

Golden goose Superstar Sneaker,綠尾小髒鞋很經典,在剛開始熱賣時超搶手的配色

Superstar Sneaker,藍色亮片後跟超熱門,只有35/36

Golden Goose X REVOLVE Superstar Sneaker,獨家金色亮片小髒鞋有八折,只剩38

The Laundress點這,跟台灣價差超大,可以順便一起買

The Laundress Signature DetergentAromatherapy聯名洗衣精折扣後16.8美元約NT$481

Wool & Cashmere Shampoo,毛料洗衣精八折16美金,台灣定價880

Le Labo Signature DetergentLe labo 31玫瑰洗衣精台灣定價NT$2100,扣後未稅價36美元約NT$1026

The Laundress No. 723 Laundry DetergentThe Laundress No.723 玫瑰香氛洗衣精。

The Laundress No. 723 Fabric FreshThe Laundress No.723 玫瑰精緻衣物香氛噴霧。

Norma Kamali Drop Shoulder JumpsuitNorma kamali連身褲

Norma Kamali X REVOLVE Drop Shoulder Top,經典斜肩上衣

Norma Kamali Drop Shoulder Sleeveless DressNorma kamli連身裙終於有現貨可以買了,之前都是預購

MONROW Supersoft Vintage SweatpantMonrow超柔軟束口休閒褲

Norma Kamali Side Stripe Jog PantNorma Kamali側邊條紋束口褲很時尚 

ALO 7/8 High Waist Airlift LeggingAlo高腰legging

MOTHER The Insider Crop Step FrayMother熱門insider版型新色,可以打折

Mother The Dazzler Ankle Fray,米白色直筒褲我有入手,尺寸可以正常或大一碼,秋冬搭駝色超好看

Mother Insider Crop Step Fray,一直是熱門的黑色 insider牛仔褲,非常顯瘦又好穿,很少有打折

Golden Goose Superstar Sabot Shearling Sneaker,毛毛sabot小髒鞋8

Golden goose Superstar Glitter Sneaker,可愛的亮片sabot小髒鞋有參加折扣

◎ Mother socks點這,超多人喜歡的,可以搭配涼鞋或是球鞋都很時尚
