2024年6月7日 星期五

【折扣】The row 包款整理


 The row 熱門款整理

▶︎ FWRD點這,美國定價+9折碼【FWRD10


▶︎ 24S點這,建議寄美國再轉運

▶︎ Mytheresa點這,滿多水桶包現貨

▶︎ Net A Porter點這,滿多水桶包現貨

The row 包包這一、二年很熱門,皮質很好,尤其是水桶包很隨性,90s圓筒包很可愛、Margaux 歐美最愛,常常缺貨有看到喜歡的顏色一定要趕快下手! 官網也是常常缺貨中! 

水桶包有三個尺寸,分別是大中小,皮革部分也不相同,有滑皮、麂皮、荔枝皮,大家要注意一下,熱門dark tuape (奶茶色)/ 白色/ 肉桂色都很美


顏色:Dark taupe 奶茶色很美




▶︎ FWRD點這,美國定價+9折碼【FWRD10


▶︎ 24S點這,建議寄美國再轉運

▶︎ Bergdorfgoodman美國百貨


❊ THE ROW Margaux 12 Top-Handle Bag in Leatherthe row Margaux 12 黑色預購,寄美國4090美元,記得訂閱電子報有85折可搭配使用

❊ THE ROW Soft Margaux 10 bagthe row soft Margaux 10酒紅色現貨,可寄全球

❊  The Row oversized leather tote bagthe row 黑色馬鞍Margaux 15 有現貨,超級難買的款式及配色,可以寄美國或是台灣, 寄美國可搭配85折碼【NC15FF】,限新註冊會員

❊ The Row Margaux leather bagthe row Margaux 包荔枝皮革黑色現貨,一定要趕快入手,這款日本女生好多人揹

❊ The Row Soft Margaux 15 leather tote bag,很美的沙色Margaux 15,但看大小應該是10的尺寸,型號也是跟黑荔枝皮一樣,故推論是margaux10,這個顏色配上荔枝皮很難買

❊ The Row Soft Margaux 10 leather tote bagththe row馬鞍皮margaux 10 也有現貨,馬鞍皮革會越用越美

 ❊ THE ROW Sofa Margaux 12 Bagthe row Margaux 12 馬鞍皮 muschi_ang 現貨,這個顏色很特別,有點偏金棕色,可以寄全球


▶︎ Bergdorfgoodman美國百貨,新會員註冊85

❊ The row Park Large North-South Tote Bagthe row 大型水桶包

❊ THE ROW N/S Park Tote Bagthe row水桶包中型超多色,現貨賣光會變成預購,大家要注意一下

❊ THE ROW Park Small North-South Tote Bagthe row小型水桶包,有黑色/藍色/dark olive都是現貨,白色是預購


▶︎ Neimanmarcus百貨,新會員訂閱85

❊ THE ROW Park Small Tote Bag in Calf Leather , the row小型水號sand

❊ THE ROW Park Medium North-South Tote Bagthe row中型dark olive


❊ THE ROW Park Small North-South Tote Bagthe row小型水桶包有四色,VIRGINIA BLUE很美


▶︎ 24s定價含稅

❊  THE ROW N/S Park Medium Tote Bagthe row中型水桶包Dark taupe

❊  THE ROW N/S Park Medium Tote Bagthe row中型水桶包Dark Olive 

❊  THE ROW N/S Park Medium Tote Bagthe row中型水桶包深藍色

❊  THE ROW N/S Park Medium Tote Bagthe row中型水桶包白色


❊  THE ROW Large N/S Park tote-bagthe row大型水桶包黑色

❊  THE ROW Large N/S Park tote-bagthe row大型水桶包dark taupe

❊  THE ROW Large N/S Park tote-bagthe row大型水桶包白色


❊  THE ROW N/S Park small tote bagthe row小型 水桶包dark taupe

❊  THE ROW N/S Park small tote bagthe row 小型水桶包cinnamon肉桂

❊  THE ROW N/S Park small tote bagthe row 小型水桶包

❊  THE ROW N/S Park small tote bagthe row 小型水桶包紅棕色

❊  THE ROW N/S Park small tote bagthe row 小型水桶包紅黑色麂皮


❊  THE ROW 90'S bag24s也有綠色the row 90’s

❊  THE ROW 90'S bag24s有深咖色the row 90’s

❊ THE ROW 90s Bagthe row 90s白色圓筒包非常搶手,很少有現貨,寄美國1090美元


▶︎ SSENSE點這定價含稅

❊ THE ROW Brown Large N/S Park Totethe row 大型水桶包Dark cuir

❊ THE ROW Black Large N/S Park Totethe row大型麂皮水桶包黑色

❊ THE ROW Navy Large N/S Park Totethe row大型水桶包深藍

❊ THE ROW Beige Large N/S Park Totethe row大型水桶包Croissant

❊ THE ROW Tan Medium N/S Park Totethe row 中型水桶包dune taupe奶茶色

❊ THE ROW Beige Medium N/S Park Totethe row 中型水桶包Croissant

❊ THE ROW Black Medium N/S Park Totethe row中型水桶包麂皮黑色

❊ THE ROW Tan Medium N/S Park Totethe row中型水桶包Cinnamon肉桂色

❊ THE ROW Small N/S Park Totethe row小型水桶包,有

麂皮黑色 / 白色亮面/  黑色亮面 / Cognac 紅棕 / Croissant / Ivory / 黑色

❊  THE ROW Taupe Small N/S Park Totethe row褐色小型N/S 水桶包

❊  THE ROW Black Small N/S Park Totethe row黑色小型N/S 水桶包

❊  THE ROW Black Medium N/S Park Tote,SSENSE 有the row dark taupe 色中型N/S 水桶包

FWRD 美元定價+9折

❊ THE ROW 90'S BagThe row 90S 包新出的綠色美國定價+9折碼【FWRD10】,此為預購


❊  THE ROW Large Park Totethe row大型托特包crossant 

❊  THE ROW Large Park Totethe row大型托特包白色

❊  THE ROW Large Park Totethe row大型托特包Dark taupe,顏色超美

❊  THE ROW Large Park Totethe row大型托特包CINNAMON

❊  THE ROW Large Park Totethe row大型托特包Dark olive (目前是預購)


❊  THE ROW Small Park Totethe row小型黑色麂皮

❊  THE ROW Small Park Totethe row小型Rust red

❊  THE ROW Small Park Totethe row小型黑色皮革

❊  THE ROW Black Small N/S Park Totethe row dark taupe 色小型N/S 水桶包,美國定價+9折。碼【FWRD10

▶︎  LVR點這,也有the row

❊ The Row Soft Margaux 15 saddle leather tote bagthe row soft Margaux 15 綠色,預購

❊ The Row Margaux 15 leather tote bagthe row Margaux 15 黑色,預購


❊ The Row Large N/S Park grain leather tote bagthe row大型水桶包 dark olive 預購


❊ The Row Medium N/S Park grain leather tote bagthe row中型黑色水桶包預購

❊ The Row Small N/S Lux Grain Park leather totethe row小型水桶包白色

❊ The Row Small N/S Lux Grain Park leather totethe row小型水桶包黑色


❊ The Row 90's Small grain leather bagthe row 90S圓筒包黑色

❊ The Row 90's Small grain leather bagthe row 90S圓筒包白色

Coltori 改名為Residenza725,限時折上折,寄台灣運費40美金,關稅到付,衣服/圍巾/帽子17-18%,鞋子/包包11%- 12%;美國運費26美金,結帳已含稅。


◎ THE ROW點這 ,65折碼【LTKJUNE35

❊  THE ROW N/S PARK TOTE BAGthe row N/S水桶包小型65+11%=NT33590含稅運,碼【LTKJUNE35

❊  THE ROW TOTE BAG WITH NORTH/Sthe row N/S水桶包中型黑色651298.4美元+11%=NT46417含稅運,碼【LTKJUNE35


❊ THE ROW TOTE BAG ESSENTIAL NORTH/SThe row麂皮水桶包大型65+= NT 57966FNet A Porter定價2764美元,約64,碼【LTKMAY35】。The row麂皮的質感很好,也非常熱門
