Eve Lom 美國官網買一送一,隨時結束。 |
❊ Eve Lom Cleanser 100ml,Eve Lom卸妝霜100ML
❊ Eve Lom Rescue Mask (100ml),急救面膜
❊ Eve Lom Radiance Repair Retinol Serum,全能逆時新生多效精華,台灣6000
RV超好價 |
❊ ROGER VIVIER Viv' Run Strass Buckle sneakers,RV藍色Viv run休閒鞋NT18704,Net A Porter 1075美元,53折
Net A Porter 季末折扣,滿300美元免運,定價含稅 |
▶︎ 台灣入口點這
▶︎ 美國入口點這
◎ Loewe點這,新加入折扣
❊ LOEWE Anagram embroidered ribbed mohair-blend scarf,Loewe 灰色圍巾6折680美元,台灣3萬2,69折
❊ LOEWE Anagram embroidered ribbed mohair-blend scarf,Loewe 白色圍巾6折680美元
❊ LOEWE Cropped embroidered ribbed stretch-cotton jersey tank,Loewe白色短版背心6折,同個賣場也有黑色
Miu miu Ivy包8折,定價含稅 |
❊ MIU MIU IVY leather bag, Miu Miu 爆款Ivy包bug價1718歐含稅約NT59786,台灣73000,81折。張元英也有用同款同色
FWRD 折扣,滿100美金免運,結帳可選Fedex預收或郵局寄送到付關稅。 |
❊ The Row Large N/S Tote Bag,the row藍色大型水包8折
❊ The Row Large N/s Tote Bag,the row dark olive 大型水桶包8折
❊ The Row Medium NS Tote Hook Bag,the row中型Rust水桶包8折
❊ The Row Small NS Tote Bag,the row小型olivie dark水桶包8折
❊ The Row Small NS Bag,the row小型Rust水桶包8折
❊ The Row Small NS Bag,the row小型深藍色水桶包8折
❊ The Row Small NS Tote Hook Bag,the row小型金屬扣白色水桶包